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Auto Insurance in Florida

Florida is a No-Fault and Property Damage Liability state. Drivers are expected to fully understand their requirements and obtain compliant coverage that meets the minimum standards regarding auto insurance in Florida. Read below to make sure you have all the facts you need.

Auto Insurance in Florida

All drivers in the State of Florida are required to have property damage liability and no-fault insurance, and they must have proof of insurance in their vehicles at all times. Part-time and seasonal residents who live in the state for a minimum of 90 days each calendar year face the same requirements.

There are two important laws that form the basis of auto insurance regulations in Florida: The Financial Responsibility Law and the No Fault Law. According to the No Fault Law, if you own a vehicle in the state you must maintain no-fault auto insurance that covers damages and injuries resulting from an accident. The Financial Responsibility Law states that Florida drivers must have auto insurance that covers injuries and property damage suffered by other parties in an accident.

If you fail to maintain compliant auto insurance in Florida, or if your insurance company cancels your policy and you fail to replace it, the state’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles may penalize you by suspending your driver’s license. After a suspension has been levied, the driver must pay a $150 reinstatement fee and provide proof of insurance. The fee goes up on second and third offenses.

Minimum Liability Auto Insurance in Florida

The minimum liability coverage amounts regarding auto insurance in Florida are:

- $10,000 total property damage per accident.
- $10,000 bodily injury per person (suggested, not required)
- $20,000 total bodily injury per accident (suggested, not required)

Florida is one of the few states that does not require bodily injury liability coverage. The state does recommend that drivers obtain at least $10,000 coverage per person, up to two people.

Considering that almost every other state does mandate bodily injury liability coverage, in many cases up to $25,000 per person, it is clearly something that drivers should think about. Not only could the situation change in Florida, but experts also recommend to alway purchase a policy that has coverage amounts that can cope with skyrocketing costs for medical care. Comprehensive and collision coverage are also recommended by many experts.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Auto Insurance in Florida

You do not need to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage to have compliant auto insurance in Florida.

No-Fault Auto Insurance in Florida

As previously mentioned, drivers must have no-fault coverage to be compliant with laws regarding auto insurance in Florida.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

Florida requires personal injury protection (PIP) for drivers. This auto insurance extension covers medical costs resulting from accidents. In some situations, it may also cover additional damages like lost wages.

Florida drivers must carry a PIP insurance policy that covers at least $10,000.

Standard PIP plans cover (up to your limit):

- 80% of necessary medical expenses
- 60% of lost wages
- 100% of replacement services such as child care, housekeeping or yard work
- Up to $5,000 for death benefits

SR-22 Requirements

If your license is suspended in Florida, you will have to file an SR-22 document in order to earn reinstatement. Typically, this is required after DUI convictions and suspensions that resulted from a lapse in auto insurance in Florida.

Florida DUI Laws

The following maximum penalties may apply to first time DUI offenders in Florida:

- 6 months imprisonment if BAL (Blood Alcohol Level) is 0.08% to less than 0.15%
- 9 months imprisonment if BAL is greater than 0.15% or minor is present
- $500 to $1,000 fine if BAL is 0.08% to less than 0.15%
- $1000 to $2,000 fine if BAL is greater than 0.15%
- 180 days to 1 year license suspension
- Hardship reinstatement after successful completion of DUI school
- Ignition interlock device required for six months
- Up to 50 hours community service
- Community service $10 for each hour served
- Treatment may be sought in lieu of prison
- 10 day vehicle impound

Higher minimum liability insurance requirements also apply to first time DUI offenders:

- $100,000 liability to cover one person injured or killed in one crash
- $300,000 liability to cover two or more persons injured or killed in one crash
- $50,000 in property damage liability.

Offenders also have the option to post a bond or certificate worth $350,000. Whether you choose to secure the appropriate liability coverage or to post a bond or certificate, the higher standards apply for three years after a DUI offense. A clean record at the end of the three year period will result in your requirements going back to the standard amounts.

Additional Information about Auto Insurance in Florida

Contact the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation if you need more information about auto insurance in Florida. Go to their website at or call them at (850) 413-3140.

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